Friday, August 10, 2012

A Year From Now.....

Happy Friday my bloggy friends!! August is such a jam packed month in this household I just know time is going to fly by! Our weekends are completely booked up and the weeks filled with preparing for weekend festivities. I can't wait to share with you the exciting things we have planned this month.

I'd like to start off by taking you back to the beginning of last summer. I had just become a new mommy and was experiencing all the challenges joy that comes along with new mommy hood. {Adjusting to my new life took some time but if you want my opinion and you must because you're here.... I think I've done a pretty darn good job!!} Anyway.... one of the less enjoyable experiences of this time last year was getting into summer attire. As you can imagine most of my clothes didn't quite fit yet and getting into a bikini was NOT an option. Now I really behaved myself while pregnant and did not gain a whole lot of extra weight. I gained around 23 pounds and I acquired most of that at the VERY end. Not to mention....once you have the baby you automatically drop their weight and extra "water weight". {I'll call it water weight because after birth and all associations isn't a pretty picture} So yah yah yah I know I was lucky compared to a lot of other first time mommies who gain 30-50 extra pounds, but still 10-15 extra pounds on a 5'4 frame can really make or break your spirit. I didn't venture to the beach or the pool very much, but the few times I did I was so uncomfortable! {Even in my sexy retro ONE PIECE} Now I've mentioned in previous posts my concern with my weight and how I look. I don't see it as shallow... No I'd like to think of it more as being conscious. And the truth is.... I never wanted to feel that uncomfortable at the beach, pool, or in any other attire again. I vowed to get it into gear and not only lose the baby weight but the extra drinking/eating poorly weight I have occurred over the past couple years.

Now I don't really enjoy working out.... much less RUNNING! Last year's me could barely run a block before I was winded...tired...cramping...and convinced that distance must have been a mile!! But I was inspired by my sister over at Learning to Love Running {maybe a shout out and link up might get her posting an update} She turned me on to the Couch to 5k. The couch to 5k is a 9week program using a series of podcasts that tell you when to run and when to power walk. I'm sure you're getting the picture but if not.... as the weeks pass the podcasts have you running more and walking less. So this time last year I put my butt in gear and started my journey to lose weight and gain back my confidence. And I did just that.... until the holidays came around! I, like most of us, just got right into the holiday spirit with delicious foods and treats! All my hard work over the past couple months flew right out the window and before I knew it I was almost right back where I started. So again, like most, my new years resolution was to get it back together! Lose the recently gained holiday weight.... gain some muscle... tone up....continue training myself to run.... you know the WHOLE SHEBANG!

And I am happy to report my bloggy friends that I have stayed strong. I am part of that small percent of people who actually kept their New Years resolution!!! Now I haven't ACTUALLY weighed myself because I try not to put too much concern on the number itself. But I can tell by how my clothes dropping of sizes.... muscle definition..etc etc etc!! When you're feeling/looking good you know it... so who cares what the scale says!!! AND the big kicker is...... drum roll please..... tomorrow I am running in my FIRST RACE EVER!!!! OK OK it is only an 8k BUT the "I can barely breathe" "I hate running" "I could never run a race" persona that existed last year is officially gone!!! The "I love running"  "I can breathe" "I could keep going" "Running is a release" me of today will take part in the MUD RUN  tomorrow with my hunny by my side!! I am really excited and proud of all I have accomplished over the past year to get to this point!!

So my point to all this rambling on {yes there is a point here} is that , whatever your goal is, you have to start somewhere!! And a year from now you will be so glad you started today!!! Seize the opportunity...stop putting things off... make the most of the moment..... and you may surprise yourself at how far you can go!!


I hope you can find inspiration.... motivation....determination.... whatever it is you need to get out there and accomplish that one thing you've been putting off!!! Wish me luck on my race tomorrow!! I can't wait to get muddy!!!!



  1. WooooHooo!! COngrats girlie!! I know you'll do great...I don't know if you know it but I also started running initially because of a challenge my cousin gave me then my boss asked me to be on a team for a 5k coming up in's not easy at all so I definitely give you your props!

  2. I'm sooooo proud of you and you look fabulous so I know you feel that way!!! And that's what it's always been about for me, how I feel and extra weight never made me feel very good! And even better is that you are doing it for YOU!!! :-) You've motivated me to kick it up a gear!! haha And that's getting harder at almost 50!! :-) Goodluck with your race tomorrow and "only" a 8k is a BIG deal in that it's 5 miles!!!!! hellooooooooooo!! :-) We'll keep Ruby Girl nice and happy:-)
    Love you More!
